Brar’s Physiocare believes that happiness is the best medicine.
The best physiotherapist in Mohali, Chandigarh, is Brar’s Physio Care.
In their own homes, care facilities, or places of employment, private individuals can receive expert physiotherapy services from Brar’s Physiocare, an independent physiotherapy business.
In a physical examination, medical examination, or clinical examination, a medical practitioner examines a patient for any possible medical signs
Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
Orthopaedic Physiotherapy concerned with the treatment of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and

Dr.Krishna Jaguri
Consultant Physiotherapist
B.P.T.(Bachelor’s of Physiotherapy)
Member of Lovely Memorial Charitable Trust

Dr.Damini Arya
“Very professional and caring. Good services provided. Also very polite. Home visits also available”

Dinesh S
“Very good service nice staffs dr lakhveer Singh thank you very much ..my spine problem is fine total 17 sitting and my back pains since 6 years”

Pinki p
“My sever back pain is cure within 5 days thanks to you dr Brar .. nice nature and excellent knowledge and skills . Very effective techniques uses”

Nishi U
I Coffee
i-coffee is made from the blend of the finest coffee beans from Karnataka. Mukuna, and Sri Lankan herb Salacia Reticulata. Salacia Reticulata is known for its properties of balancing the blood sugar level of diabetic patients
I Pulse
I Pulse is No.1 Antioxidant with highest ORAC Value. It Contains extracts of world’s best fruit extracts Acai berry, Blackberry, Blue Berry, Strawberry, Orange, Concord Grape, Banana, Cherry, Pear, Apple, Kiwi
I Slim Flat Tummies
Overweight and obesity are caused by an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended when used as energy by the body. A steady body weight is maintained when the calorie intake is equal to the calories “burned.” When this calorie intake exceeds
Renatus Nova
Renatus Nova stands alone as a complete health system in one bottle, containing nine of nature’s finest rich nutraceutical ingredients from around the globe. … Renatus Nova is, in fact, a delicious answer to your family’s need for complete, natural nutrition