Auricular Therapy Treatment

Auricular therapy treatment is a form of alternative medicine based on the idea that the ear is a microsystem, which reflects the entire body, represented on the auricle, the outer portion of the ear
Auricular Therapy Treatment, also called Auriculotherapy, is both a diagnostic and an integrative treatment procedure that is used for pain relief and the alleviation of addictions. The principles of Auricular Therapy Treatment are based both upon Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and upon neurological reflex therapies that were discovered in Europe. The essential premise in Auricular Therapy is that there are neurological reflexes and energetic correspondences between specific areas of the external ear, or auricle, and other parts of the body that are arranged in the pattern of an inverted fetus.
Detection of selective ear reflex points can be determined by monitoring tenderness to applied pressure, by electrical measurement of lowered skin resistance, or by the physical observation of small regions of skin discoloration or skin protrusions. Treatment of these reactive ear reflex points can be achieved by tactile acupressure, by the insertion of acupuncture needles, or by transcutaneous electrical stimulation. Auricular Therapy is effectively utilized to reduce chronic pain and anxiety within a few minutes of treatment and can alleviate the aversive symptoms of opioid withdrawal or reduce the craving for opioid medications.