Physiotherapist in Kharar

Parkinsons Disease Causes And Symptoms – Physiotherapist In Kharar

Let’s understand Parkinson’s disease from the best physiotherapist in Kharar:

Parkinson’s disease is a nervous system disorder that affects movement and is progressive. In Parkinson’s disease, specific nerve cells (neurons) in the brain gradually break down or die at a point that makes specific movements difficult. The symptom starts gradually with rather an unnoticeable tremor in one hand. The tremors are common but the disorder can cause stiffness or slow movements.


There are some causes of Parkinson’s disease as described by Physiotherapists in Kharar are unknown, but some important factors appear to play a role in it which include:

  • Genes: some specific genetic mutations are identified by researchers to be involved with the disease. But this is an uncommon and rare cause of Parkinson’s disease. Yet certain genetic variations appear to increase the risk.
  • Environmental triggers: Exposure to certain toxins or environmental factors can increase the risk of the diseases but is relatively less.

Physiotherapist in Kharar states that researchers noticed unusual changes in the brains of people with the disease like the presence of some Lewy bodies (clumps of specific substances) within brain cells, and some also found a protein called Alpha-synuclein found within Lewy bodies.


Parkinson’s disease signs and symptoms can be different for one another and early signs can be mild and unnoticed in some people. Symptoms can begin from one side of the body and usually remain worse on that side even after the symptoms start affecting both sides. Parkinson’s signs and symptoms include:

  • Tremor: A tremor or shaking usually begins in a limb, hand, or fingers. Hands may tremble when it’s at rest.
  • Slowed movement (bradykinesia): Over time the disease can slow down the movements and make simple tasks difficult and time-consuming.
  • Rigid muscles: Muscle stiffness starts occurring in any part of the body which can become painful and limit the motion.
  • Loss of movements: The disease starts decreasing the ability to perform unconscious movements, including blinking or swinging arms while walking.

Parkinson’s disease cannot be cured; medications may significantly improve your symptoms. In some cases, doctors may suggest surgeries to regulate specific regions of the brain and improve symptoms.

However, some stimulating therapies can be added with medications and other procedures of treatment as advised by a Physiotherapist in Kharar.