Cervical Spondylosis: Causes, And Treatment

Age-related wear and tear in muscles and bones are natural. One more issue to add to the list of age-related diseases is cervical spondylosis. Here none other than cartilage, discs, ligaments, and bones of the neck are affected. 

The Physiotherapist in Chandigarh states that it affects the first seven vertebrae and surrounding parts of the spine. This can lead to neck pain, stiffness in the neck and some other symptoms can be involved. This condition is also known as arthritis or osteoarthritis of the neck. 

Spondylosis occurs naturally as the parts of the spine start getting old and cannot perform the way they used to. Cartilage wears out, disks lose their volume and start getting dried and cracked, ligaments start thickening, and bone spur can also be formed where they start rubbing each other in areas which are no longer covered with cartilage, are the change defined as spondylosis. 

Changes in bones and muscles are a normal part of aging and the spin starts getting the effect by the 30s. by the age of 60s, almost 90% of people get spondylosis. 


Older age is the most common and risk factor of cervical spondylosis. Here are some results of the surveys by the Physiotherapist in Chandigarh as to who is at the risk of having cervical spondylosis:

  • The one who smokes cigarettes or used to, 
  • Have a family history of the condition, 
  • Often straining of the neck on the job, 
  • Previous neck injury, 
  • Heavy lifting like construction workers, 
  • Exposed to vibration like a driver.


As the person grows older, the spine undergoes changes. As per a Physiotherapist in Chandigarh, the changes due to which cervical spondylosis occurs are:

  • Degeneration 
  • Herniation
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bone spurs


Cervical spondylosis causes a lot of discomfort and pain around the neck and shoulders. The physiotherapist uses some therapies to manage the condition which are:

  • Physical therapy – Some exercises and stretches are helpful in relieving the pain. Physical therapies work out on stretching and strengthening the muscles which improve the posture. 
  • Ice, heat, and massage are also helpful in relieving symptoms. Ice and heat are surely useful when it comes to getting rid of pain however in some cases massage can also relieve the symptoms. 
  • Soft collar or brace – These can be advised for some cases just for a short period. This helps in limiting the movements of the neck and provides rest to recuperate the strained muscles.

Cervical spondylosis is something that anyone can face at a point in time. There are many ways of treating it with the help of a Physiotherapist in Chandigarh.