Stroke and Paralysis Physiotherapist at Home Service

Stroke and Paralysis Physiotherapist at Home Service
A stroke is a “Brain Attack”. After a stroke, the patient might have weakness or paralysis on one side of the body or problems while moving or doing everyday activities in a day. Brar’s Physio care can help by providing Stroke and paralysis physiotherapist at home service and restore movement and sensation in the affected limbs to a great extent.

Common symptoms of stroke mainly include Breathlessness, Severe headache with no known cause, Dizziness, Blurry vision, Weak arm or leg especially on one side of the body, Fatigue, Droopy face and many others are also there.

Brar’s Physio care where a Stroke and paralysis physiotherapist at home service is available guides a stroke patient with various post-stroke exercises also that aim at strengthening the muscles and stabilizing the affected area. The treatment plan typically includes the below along with exercises.

  • The practice of day to day living activities.
  • Manage Sensory-motor deficit in the body.
  • Improve functional mobility and independence of the patient.
  • Help in improving bowel and bladder function also.
  • Improve strength and motor control as well.
  • Prescription of assistive and adaptive devices.

Paralysis is a medical condition where a person experiences the loss of muscle function in the body and suffers from loss of any feeling in the affected part of the body. It can either affect one side of the body.

Paralysis can be caused due to many reasons, and the most common reasons are any form of injury to the spinal cord or head, stroke, and multiple sclerosis also.

At this point in time, there is no cure available for paralysis. While this can be a difficult thing to live with, there are various aids and methods that can bring some improvement in the condition through physiotherapy treatment.

Very often, treating underlying causes of paralysis using physiotherapy restores mobility in the affected body part. But it is necessary that physiotherapy should begin at the earliest possible time also. It will help in improving blood circulation and relaxing the muscles in the paralytic patient. That is why Stroke and paralysis physiotherapist at home service.

Stroke and Paralysis Physiotherapist at Home Service

Brar’s Physio care can help by providing Stroke and paralysis physiotherapist at home service and restore movement and sensation in the affected limbs to a great extent. It also helps maintain and build strength in the affected muscles. While the limbs are recovering, physiotherapy helps in retraining the nerves and muscles.

The physiotherapy procedure is based on treating the whole body and not just the affected arm or leg only. A lot of time is spent understanding the correct position of the body and of the limbs while the patient is confined to the bed or a chair also.

Every time the patient is moved, whether to turn the patient in the bed or to help transfer the patient from the bed to a chair or a commode, it has to be done according to a carefully worked out pattern by Brar’s Physio care. It is very important that all the limbs must always be placed in the correct position each time the patient is shifted.

A customized exercise plan can help bring back some movement in the limbs by Brar’s Physio care who provides Stroke and paralysis physiotherapist at home services.